
Membership Benefits:

  • Listing in the Directory of Camps,
  • Receive the Newsletter and Camps Canada magazine,
  • Eligible for leadership development funding when such funding is available,
  • Special discount rates for conference registrations,
  • Eligible to apply for camp accreditation,
  • Can advertise on the Association’s website.

Camp Membership
Organized camps throughout the province who are active members of SCA come from a wide variety of sponsorships and philosophical persuasions. Churches, para-church organizations, youth agencies, and organizations who serve campers with special needs are among our sponsoring groups.

Individual Membership
Individuals, with an interest in organized camping, who want to be active in the Association.

Organizational Membership
Organizations who sponsor more than one camp and serve as an umbrella organization for those camps.

Commercial Membership
Businesses who want to serve the camping community and wish to have the exposure that this membership provides.

Click Here for a current list of fees according to type of membership and category as well as a membership application form.